In continuation with my earlier blog post on people who inspired me, I mentioned briefly about Naval Ravikant and some of his favorite quotes. This blog post will cover all his writings and my views on it.

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As an Analytics Technical Consultant, I have always been piqued by the need to create wonderful looking, insightful dashboards using Adobe Analysis Workspace. This Back to Basics series will cover all my learning about Adobe Analysis Workspace and hopefully spur me on a different path later.

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At the beginning of the year, I decided to enhance my JavaScript skills. I have always considered focusing on a skill and increase my expertise by learning from the experts. In this context, I came across many JavaScript teaching courses, but only one worked well for me. It is the Vanilla JS Academy by Chris Ferdinandi.

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Who Inspires You?

I have always stayed away from idolising people. I found it an unnecessary inclination. All this while I drew inspiration from books, music, movies, but never, in particular, from people. I was influenced by authors and movie directors but only to the extent of their output.

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Never Forget!

Never forget what you can achieve is within your reach. Never forget that you can make it big. Never forget to forgive people. For they come with their own sense of insecurities and fallacies.

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Ritesh Gupta

Always be learning!

Technical Architect

Adobe India