Anonymizing IP Address

Anonymizing IP address is the act of removing the IP address from the web analytics tracking hit. As we know it is out of the box setting and is captured just as the user agent and other user level details are recorded. By tracking IP , it might impact Geo Location, Processing Rules, Marketing Channels that are IP based. Instead, there are two options that are available for anonymizing the IP Address

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In the world of software development, debugging plays a very important role. It is a process of detecting and removing existing as well as potential errors. In the same way, when you are implementing Adobe Analytics, Analytics debugging refers to validating the payload that is being sent to the Adobe Analytics server.

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We move further up in the ‘Authoring’ section of Adobe Launch and will cover the last component: Rules. Adobe Launch Rules are a way to combine all the previously created components: extensions, data elements and libraries to trigger marketing or tracking pixels on a webpage.

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Ritesh Gupta

Always be learning!

Technical Architect

Adobe India